Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life is Good!

I've been receiving so many emails recently with questions such as, "Are you glad you moved?" "How do you like it?" "Was it the right decision?" "When will you be coming back?"... that I felt I should update everyone on "life in Spain."

In all honesty, and I feel quite guilty saying this, I am the happiest I've been in years. Every day I say to myself, "I cannot believe I am living this life." It seems almost surreal that I could be living in a foreign country with a new language and new friends and new collegues and new students and new surroundings... and yet feel so content and so well adjusted. I had so many worries and fears going into this life-changing move, yet they have all vanished, surprisingly, in very little time.

I wouldn't say I'm religious or even spiritual for that matter. But I would say I'm a big believer in fate and destiny. I was at a bit of a crossroads in Puerto Rico. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back to the States and have a "normal" life like all of my friends or if I wanted to set out on another adventure across the world. For those that know me well I'm sure they knew when it really came down to it, I was never going back to the States. But many long talks with my parents well into the summer and just weeks before I was to take off for Madrid left me doubting if I would be happy living so far away from all that was familiar. But, I think this opportunity to move to Spain came at the perfect time in my life and I'm so glad I decided to take the leap of faith. Will I live here forever? Probably not. Will I move back to the States? Probably much sooner than anyone would like me to. Where will I move back to? Who knows! San Francisco, San Diego and Portland are the frontrunners but that is two years away and what seems like many moons from now. For now, I'm loving all that living in Europe has to offer and can't imagine being anywhere else.

Now, I'm making it seem like it's been all roses and kitty cats. There have been times that I've desperately wanted to be with my family and friends. There have been other times that I've dreamt of suntanning and frolicking on the beach, reading trashy magazines in English, eating sour skittles and real Mexican food, and buying shoes that actually come in a size big enough to fit my 10-narrow feet (you can tell the things that I don't have here!) But those days are becoming fewer and far between. And while those close to me are never far from my mind, I'm relieved to know that once again, life does go on. New friends come into your life, new memories are made, and there are still many more adventures ahead.

So to answer all of your questions: Yes, I love it here. My job is challenging yet rewarding. My students are diverse and curious. My coworkers are dedicated and passionate. My friends are adventurous and like-minded. My apartment is freshly painted and close to everything. Madrid is bustling and beautiful (and about the only time it's quiet is when I'm on a run with my iPod on... perhaps my favorite time of the day!) The fall weather is incredible and relieving. And my wallet keeps shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking.... :) Life is good.

My fall is shaping up to be quite busy. My Mom will be here October 8-14 on her $200 plane ticket. Then, I'm off to travel with friends. My booked trips include Porto, Portugal October 16-18, Florence, Italy November 5-9 and the Canary Islands November 26-29. Many more trips are in the works before my 3-week Christmas vacation (London, Dublin, Oslo and Brussels). I'll keep you all posted!

If you are ever in the area, or on the continent, let me know! I have loved hearing from you all and appreciate all your kind words and emails. Keep the updates coming.

Abrazos and Besos, Linds

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