Saturday, July 31, 2010


In between my trips to Greece and my trip home I hopped over to Mallorca for a few days to visit two close friends of mine.  They are completing Masters degrees during the summer on the island so I came for the weekend to distract them for a bit!  And boy was I a distraction--- the conclusion we've made is that we think I was slipped something at a bar, which resulted in me being sick for the two full days I was there.  It was a total bummer because I missed our on visiting the bodegas (up in wine country) and having precious beach time (not that I needed it at that point) but most of all, Ididn't get to really see Mallorca for all it's cracked up to be.  The town, Palma, is adorable and the cathedral stunning.  But other than that, I didn't get to see much.  I hope to go back next summer before moving from Spain to see a bit more and really get a feel for what life is like on a Spanish island.

Mallorca 2010

Besos, Linds

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